Letter from Dania Executive Director Lui Franciosi - May 2024
May 10, 2024
Dear Residents and Families of Dania,
I want to provide you with an update on our COVID-19 status and brief you on other events happening at Dania.
Over the last month, Dania Manor had no COVID-19 cases while Dania Home did see a number of residents and staff members who tested positive for COVID-19. Affected neighborhoods were on enhanced monitoring with staff following all necessary Fraser Health protocols to monitor and contain these cases. As of today, we have no new cases at the Dania Campus. We ask that visitors check regularly our COVID status on our website at https://www.dania.bc.ca/covid-19-status-updates We do appreciate your understanding and patience at this time.
Also, I am pleased to inform you that the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) will be trialing a new mobile driver licensing services at the Dania Campus that will deliver the full range of driver licensing services available at a traditional office (except for road testing). These services include commonly requested transactions such as BC Services Card and BC Identification (ID) Card renewals, which Dania’s Family Council Chair Craig McCulloch and his Members take full credit for having the BC Province start this initiative. Over the last year, there were Dania Home residents needing transport and/or caregiver support at additional cost to family members to take them to a local ICBC branch to renew their BC Services / ID Card with a photo. Our Family Council advocated that this situation was a human rights issue and that this service be provided at bedside if required. The BC Province agreed and they are now offering any Dania resident these services starting June. Please contact our new Office Administrator Denise Brown at 604-292-8136, and she will liaise with you and ICBC to schedule a date and time for your loved one.
The Family Council and I would like to also welcome you to attend this month’s Family Council meeting, scheduled for Monday, May 27, 2024 at 6:30pm. For those that are unable to attend in person, we also have a virtual method available. Here are the ZOOM meeting details used for every meeting:
Topic: Dania's Family Council Zoom Meeting Invitation Time: May 27, 2024 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83944392694?pwd=MXRLTk5Ca2g2aGdVUXB0Ynh1ZW9RZz09 Meeting ID: 839 4439 2694 Passcode: 693177 |
Lastly, we invite all families to visit Dania and enjoy this Mother’s Day weekend with their loved ones. We anticipate beautiful weather as well as flowers for all moms to enjoy.
If you have any further questions, please contact me anytime. I am always available to you by phone or email. Thank you and stay safe.
Lui Franciosi
Executive Director