Letter from Dania Executive Director Lui Franciosi — July 2023
July 11, 2023
Dear Residents and Families of Dania,
I hope you are all having a good summer. I want to relay some updates from our campus of care.
Over the last month, our residents at Dania Home and Dania Manor have continued to be COVID-free. Unfortunately, this week we had a staff member from each site test positive. As of today, we have two staff cases. Our Leadership Team and staff continue to monitor residents and themselves as well as follow the expected practices and the advice of Fraser Health and BC Centre of Disease Control. We like to thank you for your continued patience, understanding and vigilance in keeping COVID-19 at bay, especially with regular hand hygiene and staying at home if you are feeling unwell. This effort protects our community.
As well, we had a great number of successful recreation activities over the last month, including Canada Day BBQ Celebrations. On June 22, Dania hosted its first Chef Challenge event with the Food Network and Dragons’ Den celebrity Chef Vikram Vij. It brought together over 50 people from Angel Food Chefs from various facilities as well as Dania residents, families, and staff. Chefs worked together with residents to cook specific dishes, which Chef Vij judged. The outcome was a complete tie across the field since all dishes met his expectations. We are thankful for everyone’s participation; photos of the event are available at Dania’s News & Updates website: https://www.dania.bc.ca/news-updates/posts/chef-challenge-2023/
Lastly, I would like to invite you to attend our next family council meeting on Monday, July 17, 2022, at 6:30pm at Dania Home or virtually for those unable to attend in person. Refreshments will be available to all of you that evening. Please find enclosed the Zoom meeting details below:
Topic: Dania's Family Council Zoom Meeting Invitation Time: Jul 17, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83944392694?pwd=MXRLTk5Ca2g2aGdVUXB0Ynh1ZW9RZz09 Meeting ID: 839 4439 2694 Passcode: 693177 |
If you have any specific questions, please contact me anytime. I am always available either by phone or email. Thank you and stay safe this summer.
Lui Franciosi
Executive Director