Dania Home Society
Donate & Support
Support Our Residents’ Quality Of Life
Dania Home Society is a non-profit organization and as such, we don’t receive enough funding for all our specialized needs to best serve our residents. Your donation will help purchase much needed equipment and fund program enhancements and help improve the lives of our residents.
You Can Help Us Make A Difference
Donate Online Donate Now
Use our secure, convenient to donate a onetime gift or to set up monthly donations.
Donate By Phone (604) 299-2414
Please contact the Development Office at (604) 292-8135
Donate By Mail Download Donation Form
Please print our Donation Form and mail it along with your cheque payable to Dania Home Society Residents Foundation to: Dania Home Society Residents Foundation 4175 Norland Avenue Burnaby, BC V5G 3S7
Your help enriches the everyday lives of our residents and seniors. Dania Home Society Residents Foundation Charitable Business Number: 81053 8553 RR0001
A minimum donation of $20 is needed for Dania Home Society Residents Foundation to issue a tax receipt.
Legacy of Caring
To make a bequest, leave a gift in kind, or donate other forms of planned gifts like life insurance or securities, please view our planned giving brochure and for more information, please call our Development Office at (604) 292-8135.
Sponsor An Event
Dania hosts a number of events for the community and residents in which sponsors are acknowledged at the function and in related press releases.
Your Donation Will Directly Impact Our Residents’ Lives
Below are our most needed items at Dania Home right now. With your generous support, we can reach our fundraising goals and provide our residents with the best possible comfort, safety and care.
While unrestricted gifts are most welcome, you may wish to specify your support to a specific project like Specialized Equipment, Furniture & Hospital Beds or Therapeutic Lifestyle Recreation & Music Therapy. If so, please select the specific project when completing your donation form.

Specialized Equipment, Furniture and Hospital Beds
Equipment, furniture, and beds don’t last forever. In order to provide the best care for our residents, these items periodically need to be replaced. Large items such as the ones listed below as well as smaller items like wheelchairs and patio furniture are all important in order to make Dania a safe and comfortable home.
Dania Home’s beds are 15 years old and at this point cost more to repair and maintain than to replace. Our residents deserve new beds and mattresses with the most up to date comfort and safety features.

Bus Outings Program Enhancements
In partnership with Normanna Home, the bus is used for outings to hear music and watch sports, sightseeing tours and bowling tournaments. Best of all, we are in a position to respond to the needs of those in our care – we can leave at the appointed time, accommodate changes in plans, and stop when and where we like.
The sky’s the limit & we need to ensure ongoing funding for all our many adventures.

Therapeutic Lifestyle Recreation and Music Therapy
Dania has adopted the Eden Alternative as a guiding philosophy in our daily approach to resident care. The Eden philosophy is based on 10 principles that provide guidance on how we can help our residents continue living meaningful lives when they are unable to live independently.
Music Therapy, Therapeutic Gardening, Pet Visits, Hands-On culinary food experiences are just a few of the activities that require ongoing funding.

Restorative Care & Physiotherapy Program Enhancements
Restorative Care is a philosophy that emphasizes maximizing the independence of residents by supporting them to do as much as possible for themselves.
The current in-house physiotherapy program needs to be expanded to include a fixed area with permanent equipment set up & a full time ‘mobile’ physiotherapist servicing both Dania & Normanna Home.